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Dahmes Heat Recovery Systems

are designed and engineered to meet the specific requirements of each process application, ensuring maximum thermal recovery and clean-ability.

With over 40 years of experience in the industry, our team of experts ensures that each system is designed for optimal performance, efficiency, and reliability.

At Dahmes we offer two design options for our Heat Recovery Systems:
Shell & Tube Design & Envelope Design.

Our Shell & Tube Design is ideal for higher pressure applications and provides maximum flexibility for general arrangements and hitting specific efficiency targets. The systems are constructed from stainless steel and are continuously welded, ensuring durability and longevity in the most hostile process exhaust streams.


Our Envelope Design is perfect for low-pressure drop applications and provides a more economical solution, maximizing the energy recovered in a compact space. This design features envelope bundles that the exhaust air passes through, while the incoming process air passes through the outside of the envelopes. Both options are CIP’able through the exhaust air portions of the system.


No matter what your requirements are, the Dahmes team will work closely with you to ensure that you get the perfect Heat Recovery System for your specific needs.

We are committed to providing you with the best possible solution to help you optimize your process and save on energy costs.


Find out how much energy you can save with a Dahmes Heat Recovery

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